Data Requirements#

DUGSeis requires two pieces of data: waveforms and meta information about each channel.

Waveform data#

Waveform data must use the ASDF file format. It can deal with ASDF data from one or more acquisition systems and thus the files can be stored in one or more folders.

DUGSeis searches the configured folders and finds all *.h5 files. Additionally the filenames have to satisfy the following regular expression:

^                                                              # Beginning of string
(\d{4})_(\d{2})_(\d{2})T(\d{2})_(\d{2})_(\d{2})[_\.](\d{6})Z?  # Start time as capture groups
__                                                             #
(\d{4})_(\d{2})_(\d{2})T(\d{2})_(\d{2})_(\d{2})[_\.](\d{6})Z?  # End time as capture groups
.*                                                             # Rest of name
$                                                              # End of string.

Valid examples include:

  • 2017_02_09T13_24_15_000058__2017_02_09T13_24_25_000058__HS4.h5

  • 2021_05_05T17_31_30_000015Z__2021_05_05T17_32_00_000015Z__03.h5

  • 2021_05_05T17_59_30_000294Z__2021_05_05T17_59_51_352674Z__04.h5

The times must be the time of the first and the time of the last sample in the file in UTC. All traces in a file are expected to be continuous and have the same length. Integer and floating point data are both supported. Furthermore adjacent files are expected to match exactly timing wise.

DUGSeis assumes all timing information in the ASDF files to be correct.

StationXML Meta Data#

Meta data, e.g. location and instrument response information, must be available for each channel. The channel identifiers must exactly match the channel identifiers in the ASDF files.

We recommend to use one StationXML file per channel. The scripts subdirectory in the DUGSeis repository contains a helper script to generate suitable StationXML files.

The coordinates must be given in WGS84 and be stored on the channel level. Please refer to the dug_seis.coordinate_transforms module for more details.