

DUGSeis is a Python package and has the following dependencies:

  • Python >= 3.7

  • click

  • joblib

  • numba

  • numpy

  • obspy

  • pyasdf

  • pyopengl

  • pyproj>=3

  • pyqtgraph

  • pyside6

  • pyyaml

  • schema

  • scipy

  • tqdm

Furthermore git is required to get the DUGSeis code.

Installation Instructions#

The conda Python distribution is recommended, but you can use any Python distribution you see fit.

Installing conda#

  1. Install miniconda for your operating system:

  2. Create a new environment:

conda create -n dug_seis python=3.9
conda activate dug_seis

On Windows please use Python 3.8 for now because ObsPy does not yet build 3.9 binaries.

Make sure the dug_seis environment is active when using DUGSeis and for all the following steps on this page!

Install DUGSeis#

Clone DUGSeis

git clone
cd DUGseis
conda activate dug_seis
pip install -e .

Update DUGSeis#

To update DUGSeis please change to the DUGSeis directory and run

git pull

If that does not work for some reason (e.g. the DUGSeis repository has been force pushed to, local changes, …) please do the following (All your local changes will be deleted!):

git fetch origin main
git reset --hard origin/main

If the DUGSeis dependencies changed, just run

pip install -e .

again. Make sure the correct conda environment is active.